Practicing Boldness in Reverse Auction Procurement

Friday, April 1, 2011

Practicing Boldness in Reverse Auction Procurement

Each month eBridge focuses on a character trait to help staff grow personally and professionally- and to exemplify these traits in our daily business interaction with customers.  This month we are focusing on boldness- “the confidence to say or do what is true, right and just”.

Each day eBridge provides value to our customers through our leadership in the reverse auction process.  Part of this process is encouraging our clients to be “bold”– with their suppliers, internal purchasing teams and with company leadership- to implement a new idea – even if it goes against status quo.

In the same way, we commit to our customers to be “bold”: to do what we say we will and be worthy of their trust.  This means operating with transparency and challenging them to be more efficient in their purchasing process.

In our discussion about boldness, one member of our team pointed out, “boldness is like a muscle we exercise.  The more we use it, we increase our ability to act with courage in the future.”  Another team member pointed out, “fear keeps us from being bold.  If you don’t face your fears, you will start making choices to avoid them rather than overcome them.”

We encourage you to join with our team this month and practice boldness by facing your fears and exploring opportunities to challenge the status quo.  What areas of growth does your organization have and where can you practice boldness to help achieve more remarkable results?