Business alliances will remain a popular strategy

Friday, April 1, 2011

Business alliances will remain a popular strategy

The economic landscape over the past few years has forced organizations to look internally to find ways to create efficiencies in their supply chain and business operations to preserve resources.

A recent study released by CFO research studies  surveyed almost 200 global senior finance executives and found that forging partnerships with third parties still remains a top priority.  The survey explains that “companies are finding that a partnership strategy born of necessity can also be a valuable part of a growth strategy“.

At eBridge lock arms with our customers by providing fully managed purchasing solutions to deliver measurable results- averaging 14% net savings in everything run through the process and creating efficiencies in procurement processes.

The article concludes by stating, in an uncertain economy the greater risk may be in going it alone.

Is your organization forming strategic partnerships to stay afloat during these uncertain times?

To read the full article, click here.

Importance of ext. relationships in the recovery; likelihood cos. will pursue strategic partnerships